At PhosphonicS we provide functionalised materials so you can remove impurities to enhance product quality and recover value from process and waste streams even those containing very low concentrations of metals. Our materials will remove most metals but are particularly selective for Platinum Group Metals which can be removed without loss of product.
PhosphonicS’ products are used in sectors ranging from pharmaceuticals and natural extracts to fine and bulk chemicals, mining refineries, electronics, metal recovery and recycling industries. Our application solutions are used at all stages of research, development and manufacturing. Our solutions provide cost effective ways to help accelerate research and product development, enhance and maintain product quality and optimise production returns.
We provide expert advice on the best solution to your particular challenge, whether it is purifying high performing products, recovering value from spent process streams or remediating a waste stream. We offer a range of services tailored to your needs from beginning to end of your process including: technical advice on the optimum scavenger to choose, customised laboratory testing services, advice on processing parameters, and engineering services for pilot and full scale plant design and installations.
The Sustainability of precious metals is at the heart of our business and of vital important to our customers. Precious metals are amongst the rarest elements on the planet and even in the richest geographic location – the Bushweld Complex Rift Valley in South Africa – there is less than 5ppm in the earth’s crust. Typically only found more than 500 metres below sea level and extremely difficult to extract, precious metals are very clearly a major energy user in the mining process.
The importance of precious metals in the circular economy is therefore self-evident. The recovery of precious metals from the many different losses found in refineries, plating baths, vehicle catalysts, jewellery production, electronic components, chemical processes etc is clear. PhosphonicS technology is focused at the recovery of these precious metals in the liquid streams involved in these industries where the visibility of such losses are not immediately obvious.