WhoshouldIsee Tracks Phos-04 (1st 10g free of charge) – PhosphonicS

Phos-04 (1st 10g free of charge)

Phos-04 (1st 10g free of charge)


Mercaptoalkyl 1 functionalised silica

Very High Affinity: Rh, Pd, Pt, Ir, Cu, As, Sn, Os, Au, Hg, Pb(II)-aq
High Affinity: Ag

SKU: SP156867 Category:

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Phos-04 is a thiol scavenger designed to be very effective at recovering platinum group metal value from process and waste streams.

Phos-04 has a very high affinity for platinum group metals and the ubiquitous recommendation for Pd and Au recovery.

It also has a high affinity for Ir and Rh but will recovery a wide range of metals.

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Metal 1

Au, Ir, Pd, Ru

Metal 2


Other Metals

Os, Pt, Re, Sn

Pack Size

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An aqueous Au etching liquor contained 100ppm Au. Screening at RT found Phos-04 recovered >95% Au and loaded 25 g/kg. Optimisation achieved >99% recovery. The process was run on a continouosu basis treating 25000L annually with an overall 85% of value returned.

Waste stream generated by a Sonogashira coupling process used in the manufacture of an API, containing 500 ppm Pd. Screening at RT found Phos-04 recovered >95% Pd. Optimisation achieved 27 g/kg Pd loading and 97% recovery, reducing the Pd to 11 ppm. A fixed-bed trial at 60 degrees C gave Pd recovery of >99% with a loading of 25 g/kg. Overall nearly £1 million per annum was returned.

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